


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Holiday Open House Featured Artist

These are examples of Thomas Panetta's work.
These are not necessarily the piece we will have at our shop.

Thomas Panetta is an American Craftsman who hand makes each of his unique pieces.
Each original piece is hand sculpted one at a time out of an old fashioned sculpting compound consisting of clay, paper and plaster. Then each piece is hand painted and finished in a 5 step antiquing process.

We are very excited to showcase Thomas Panetta's work at our Holiday Open House November 11 & 12, 2011. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Holiday Open House November 11 & 12

* We would also like to note the shop will be closed on November 9 & 10 to prepare for the open house.

Three New Books Now Available at Canal Street Primitives

‘Tis the Season’ Christmas Eve with James Cramer 
Written and photographed by Jill Peterson  
Hardcover $24.00

Simple Cooking for a Simple Life 
Written by Jill Peterson
Featuring simple recipes from antique dealers & collectors.  Hardcover  $24.00

An Early Christmas 
Written by Christine Woltman
Beautifully illustrated hardcover $36.00